Earth and Space Science

Math | Life Science/Biology | Physical Science/Chemistry, Physics | Earth and Space Science | English

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ACT Topics

eTAP Lessons

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

How do Earthquakes Happen and Where?
How to Measure Earthquakes?

Earth’s Atmosphere

Circulation Patterns in the Earth's Atmosphere and Oceans

Earth’s Resources


Fossils and Geologic Time


Geochemical Cycles

Biogeochemical Cycles


Water, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle
Water Movement

Lakes, Rivers, Oceans

Rivers and Streams

Plate Tectonics

Plate Movements

Rocks, Minerals

Rocks and their Properties

Solar System

Where is the Solar System?

Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Stars, Galaxies and the Universe

Water Cycle

Water, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle

Weather and Climate

Climate and Weather

Weathering and Erosion

Water Movement