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HSPE Prioritized Standards

eTAP Lesson

Students know and are able to do everything required in earlier grades and:
History Standard 1.0: Chronology: Students use chronology to organize and understand the sequence and relationship of events.
1.12.1. Analyze and develop a position on a current event.

Inside Modern America

1.12.2. Explain the sequence and relationship of events on a tiered time line.
History Standard 2.0: History Skills: Students will use social studies vocabulary and concepts to engage in inquiry, in research, in analysis, and in decision making.


2.12.1. Frame and evaluate historical questions from multiple viewpoints.
2.12.2. Integrate, analyze, and organize historical information from a variety of sources.
2.12.3.  Analyze and interpret historical content from informational tools, including:
  • charts
  • diagrams
  • graphs
  • maps
  • political cartoons
  • photographs
  • tables
History Standard 3.0:Prehistory to 400 CE: Students understand the development of human societies, civilizations, and empires through 400 CE.


3.12.1.Identify and describe the characteristics of pre-agricultural societies.

Early Man
The First Civilizations

3.12.2. Describe technological innovations of early agricultural societies, including:
  • development of agriculture
  • domestication of animals
  • development of permanent communities
The First Civilizations


3.12.3.  Explain and demonstrate how geography influenced the political, social, and eco­nomic growth of ancient classical civilizations, including:
  • Africa
  • China
  • Greece
  • India
  • Mesopotamia
  • Rome

The Ancient Hebrews
The Rise of Ancient Greece
India's Great Civilization
China's Prospesrous Civilization
Ancient Rome


3.12.4. Describe the unique politi­cal, economic, religious, social, technological, and cultural contributions of an­cient and classical civilizations, including:
  • Africa
  • the Americas
  • China
  • Greece
  • Hebrew kingdoms
  • India
  • Mesopotamia
  • Phoenicia
  • Rome

The First Civilizations
The Ancient Hebrews
The Rise of Ancient Greece
India's Great Civilization
China's Prospesrous Civilization
Ancient Rome



History Standard 4.0:1 CE to 1400: Students understand the characteristics, ideas, and significance of civilizations and religions from 1 CE to 1400.


4.12.1. Locate and describe civilizations in terms of geography, social structure, religion, political systems, and contributions, including:
  • African
  • Byzantine
  • Chinese
  • Indian
  • Japanese
  • Scandinavian

Africa During the Middle Ages
Islamic Civilization
Medieval China
India's Great Civilization
Medieval Europe


4.12.2. Describe the characteristics of the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan civilizations, including:
  • contributions
  • geography
  • political systems
  • religion
  • social structure

The Americas


4.12.3. Describe the origin, traditions, customs, and spread of western and eastern world religions, including:
  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Hinduism
  • Islam
  • Judaism

Chinese Society
Life and Culture in Medieval Europe
Origins of India
Muslim Life and Culture
The Ancient Hebrews

4.12.4. Describe the characteristics of European feudalism.

The Rise of Feudalism

4.12.5.Describe the rise of commercial trading centers and their effects on social, political, and economic institutions.

The Age of Exploration

History Standard 5.0: 1200 to 1750: Students understand the impact of the interaction of peoples, cultures, and ideas from 1200 to 1750.


5.12.1.Examine the impact of technological, mathematical, cultural, and artistic developments of the Renaissance

New Ways of Thinking

5.12.2.  Explain  the development of  European hereditary monarchies and their effects on:
  • centralized government
  • commerce and trade
  • religion

Kingdoms, Knights, and Crusades


5.12.3.Explain the causes of the Reformation and its effects in Europe and the Americas. 

The Protestant Reformation

5.12.4. Identify the influence of the Enlightenment on the Western World, including:
  • fine arts
  • government
  • literature
  • philosophy
  • science

New Scientific Ideas
The Triumph of Reason


5.12.6. Compare common elements of Native North American societies, including:
  • Communication
  • economic systems
  • housing
  • political systems
  • social systems
  • traditions

Early Peoples
Texas: The Lives of Native Americans


5.12.7.Examine the roles of nationalism, economics, and religious rivalries in the Age of Exploration.

The Age of Exploration

5.12.8.Analyze interactions among Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans.

The Americas
Treaties with American Indian Nations


5.12.9.Analyze how the interactions among Native Americans, Africans, Europeans, and their descendants resulted in unique American economic, social, and political institutions.

The Need for Expansion
Colonization of Africa

5.12.10.Describe the similarities and differences of European colonial communities in North America in terms of politics, religion, language, economics, and social customs.

Western Law and its Influences

5.12.11.Compare and contrast life in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.

States’ Rights Doctrine

5.12.12.Explain the impact of world commerce, including the African slave trade on Europe, Africa, and the Americas.


5.12.13.Describe the contributions and  social, political, and economic characteristics of African, Chinese, Indian, and Japanese civilizations.

Colonization of Africa
Imperialism in Asia and the Americas

5.12.14. Describe how Islamic empires were a link between Africa, Europe, and Asia.

The Spread of Islam

History Standard 6.0: 1700 to 1865:Students understand the people, events, ideas, and conflicts that led to the creation of new nations and distinctive cultures.


6.12.1.Explain the causes and results of the Industrial Revolution.

The First Signs of Change

6.12.2.Describe the causes and effects of wars with Europeans, including the French and Indian War.

The Quest for Liberty

6.12.3. Explain the political and economic causes and effects of the American Revolution.

American Revolution

6.12.4.Describe the ideas of John Locke, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson and their influences on the American Revolution and the formation of the United States.

Thinkers of the Enlightenment

6.12.5.Describe the events, course, and results of the American Revolutionary War, including the contributions of African Americans and Native Americans.

American Revolution

6.12.6. Explain the issues of the Confederation period, including:
  • war debts and finance
  • western land
  • trade
  • taxation

Manifest Destiny
Early Politics

6.12.7. Describe the Constitution’s underlying principles, including:
  • checks and balances
  • federalism
  • limited government
  • popular sovereignty
  • separation of powers

The Constitution of the United States


6.12.8.  Describe the issues involved in the ratification of the Constitution, including:
  • main ideas of The Federalist Papers
  • main ideas of the Anti-Federalists
  • the Bill of Rights

The Constitution of the United States
The Bill of Rights

6.12.9.Describe the influence of the American Revolution on Europe and the Americas.  

The Spread of Revolution


6.12.10. Discuss the political events, people, and ideas that influenced European politics, including:
  • Napoleon
  • Metternich
  • Marx
  • Congress of Vienna

Napoleon’s Empire


6.12.11.Describe achievements in European fine arts and literature.
6.12.12.Describe the rise of national economies, the emergence of capitalism, and the free market economy.

The Basics of Capitalism

6.12.13. Explain issues, events, and the roles of key people related to the development of United States political institutions, including:
  • Washington’s administration
  • The Marshall Court
  • judicial review
  • extension of suffrage
  • political parties

Early Politics
A New Kind of Government
Social Reform


6.12.14. Explain issues, events, and the roles of key individuals associ­ated with the development of a national economic identity and foreign policy, including:
  • development of the factory system and impacts of  significant inventions such as the cotton gin and inter­changeable parts
  • territorial, trade, & shipping issues with Great Britain
  • War of 1812
  • the creation of a national  transportation system
  • Monroe Doctrine
  • growth and impact of immigration

War of 1812
Monroe Doctrine

6.12.15. Describe the social reform and religious movements of antebellum United States which attempted to enhance life, including:
  • education reform
  • prison and mental health reform
  • religious revival
  • Utopian movement
  • women’s rights

Role of Women
Development of Education
Religion and Reform

6.12.16. Describe the contributions in language, literature, art, and music that led to the development of an emerging culture in the United States, including:
  • Stephen Foster
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Hudson River School of Art
  • Henry David Thoreau
6.12.17. Explain the issue of Manifest Destiny and the events related to the expansion of the United States, including:
  • Louisiana Purchase
  • removal of the Eastern tribes
  • Oregon and California Trails
  • Mexican War and Mexican War acquisitions
  • California Gold Rush
  • Homestead Act

Manifest Destiny
Texas War for Independence
Mexican-American War
The Settling of California

6.12.20 Explain abolitionism and describe the importance of abolitionists and slave revolts, including:
  • John Brown
  • Frederick Douglass
  • William Lloyd Garrison
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • Nat Turner

Leaders of the Movement


6.12.21.  Describe the causes, key people, events, and outcome of the Civil War, including:
  • states’ rights and slavery
  • election of 1860
  • Frederick Douglass/ African American troops
  • President Lincoln
  • Emancipation Proclamation
  • Antietam, Vicksburg, and Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg Address
  • Generals Grant and Lee

Civil War and Reconstruction


History Standard 7.0:1860 to 1920: Students understand the importance and impact of political, economic, and social ideas.
7.12.1. Summarize the successes and failures of the Reconstruction period.

Civil War and Reconstruction

7.12.2. Describe the key people and significant issues concerning African American rights, including:
  • Booker T. Washington & the Tuskegee Institute
  • Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
  • Plessy v. Ferguson
  • W.E.B. DuBois and the NAACP
  • Ida B. Wells and the NACW

Leaders of the Movement

7.12.3. Describe federal policy toward Native Americans including:
  • Dawes Act/Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
  • Indian Boarding Schools
  • Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
  • Plains Wars
  • reservation system

Treaties with American Indian Nations

7.12.5.Describe the role of farming, railroads, mining in the settlement of the West.

A Different Kind of Revolution
Big Business
Westward Expansion

7.12.6. Describe the causes, issues, and effects of the Populist Movement.

A Different Kind of Revolution

7.12.7. Describe the effect of industrial technology innovations and urbanization on United States social and economic development.

The Age of Industry
Big Business

7.12.8.Describe the development of corporate c apitalism, including:
  • J.P. Morgan
  • mass production
  • vertical and horizontal integration/consolidation

Big Business


7.12.9.Examine the motivations for groups coming to the United States and describe their contributions to United States society.


7.12.10.Describe nativism and explain the response to immigration into the United States.


7.12.11.Explain the origins and issues involved in the labor movement.

Working Conditions and Laissez-Faire Policies


7.12.12.  Describe the development and impact of the Progressive Movement, including:
  • government reform
  • Prohibition
  • “trust busting” 

Social Reform
Progressive Reform

7.12.14. Discuss the causes, characteristics, and consequences of United States expansion and diplomacy, including:
  • Alaska
  • Hawaii
  • Open Door Policy
  • Spanish-American War
  • Panama Canal
  • T. Roosevelt’s foreign policy
  • Dollar Diplomacy

Expanding Horizons


7.12.15.Explain the causes and effects of the Mexican Revolution of 1911.

Imperialism in Asia and the Americas

7.12.16. Discuss the causes, characteristics, and consequences of European and Japanese expansion. 

The Need for Expansion
Imperialism in Asia and the Americas

7.12.17. Describe the causes, course, character, and effects of World War I, including:
  • imperialism
  • arms race and alliances
  • nationalism
  • weapons/tactics
  • Fourteen Points
  • Treaty of Versailles

World War I


7.12.18. Describe the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution.
  • Romanovs
  • Lenin
  • Bolsheviks
  • Russian Civil War

The Soviet Union

7.12.20.Explain how fine arts, literature, and leisure activities were a reflection of the time.



History Standard 8.0:The Twentieth Century, a Changing World: 1920 to 1945: Students understand the importance and effect of political, economic, technological, and social changes in the world from 1920 to 1945.
8.12.1.Describe the rise of totalitarian societies in Europe, Asia, and Latin America

Rise of Fascism and Communism

8.12.2. Discuss the effects on society of new technologies of this era, including:
  • communication
  • transportation
  • manufacturing

A Different World

8.12.3. Examine social tensions in the postwar era, including:
  • radical politics
  • immigration restrictions
  • religious fundamentalism
  • racism

Peace at Last


8.12.4.Describe how cultural developments in the arts, education, media, and leisure activities reflected and changed United States society.

The Roaring Twenties

8.12.5.Describe the causes of the Great Depression and the policies and programs of the New Deal and their effects on social, political, economic, and diplomatic institutions.

The Great Depression and FDR

8.12.6. Describe the causes, course, character, and effects of World War II, including:
  • legacy of WWI
  • campaigns and strategies
  • atomic bomb
  • significant military, political, and scientific leaders
  • the Big Four
  • United Nations
  • U.S. changing world status
  • war crimes trials

The Road to War
Drawn into War


8.12.7. Describe the causes, course, and effects of the Holocaust, including:
  • “Aryan supremacy”
  • Nuremburg Laws
  • Kristallnacht
  • “Final Solution”
  • concentration and death camps
  • creation of Israel

The War in Europe


8.12.8. Analyze the effects of WWII on the homefront in the United States, including:
  • internment camps
  • technologies
  • economic developments
  • propaganda
  • women/minority contributions
  • GI Bill

Wartime America

History Standard 9.0:The Twentieth Century, a Changing World: 1945 to 1990: Students understand the shift of international relationships and power as well as the significant developments in American culture.


9.12.1.  Describe the causes and effects of the Cold War, including:
* Marshall Plan
* Berlin

Middle East:
* Egypt
* Israel
* Afghanistan

* Japan
* China
* Korea
* Vietnam

* Cuba
* United States

The Postwar World
Nation Building
Postwar Politics
The Cold War Begins
The Red Scare



 Describe the effects of the Cold War on the United States, including:

  • arms race and nuclear testing
  • McCarthyism
  • space race
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cold WarThe Red Scare


9.12.3. Describe the cause, course, and character of the Korean War, including:
  • United Nations Security  Council
  • Pusan Perimeter
  • General MacArthur
  • Inchon
  • Yalu River
  • 38th Parallel

Politics of the 1950s and 1960s

9.12.4.Explain how and why African and Asian peoples achieved independence from colonial rule.  

The People’s Republic

9.12.5. Analyze how postwar science and technology augmented United States economic strength, transformed daily life, and influenced the world economy and politics.

The Challenge of Prosperity

9.12.6.Describe the causes and effects of changing demographics and developing suburbanization in the United States.

Contemporary American Issues



Describe the major issues, events, and key people of the Civil Rights and minority rights movements, including:

  • Black Power Movement
  • United Farm Workers
  • American Indian Movement
  • Viva La Raza
  • Women’s Rights Movement
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Movement



Describe the causes, course, character, and effects of the Vietnam war, including:

  • Ho Chi Minh
  • Dien Bien Phu
  • Ngo Dinh Diem
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  • draft and lottery
  • Tet Offensive
  • anti-war movement
  • Paris Peace Accord
  • POWs and MIAs
  • Imperialism

The Vietnam Era


 Describe the changes in United States political culture, including:

  • the role of the media
  • the role of women and minorities
  • Watergate
  • Iranian hostage crisis
  • Iran-contra affair
  • Grenada and Panama

Contemporary American Issues


Describe how international policies contributed to the end of the Cold War, including:

  • recognition of China
  • détente
  • disarmament treaties
  • “Star Wars” (SDI)
  • solidarity

Modern Foreign Policy

9.12.12.Describe the geopolitical changes in the world due to the disintegration of the USSR.

Modern Foreign Policy

9.12.14.Summarize the influence of art, music, literature, and the media on United States society.


History Content Standard 10.0:New Challenges, 1990 to the Present: Students understand the political, economic, social, and technological issues challenging the world as it approaches and enters the new millennium.



Identify and explain the implications of scientific and technological achievements, including:

  • personal computers
  • Internet
  • Satellites
  • Biotechnology

Contemporary American Issues

10.12.2. Describe the regional and global effects of political and economic alliances.

Nation Building


 Describe how global issues affect nations differently, including:

  • human rights
  • the environment
  • world and U.S. regional conflicts
  • medical concerns

Nation Building


Explain the causes and effects of the Persian Gulf War, including:

  • Kuwait invasion
  • world oil supply
  • changing alliances

Describe the changing political climate in the United States, including:

  • the role of the media
  • the Clinton impeachment
10.12.6.Explain how literature, music, and the visual arts are reflections of the time.